01582 621514
Pickford Hill, Harpenden, AL5 5HL
Sauncey Wood Primary School
'Growing Curious Minds'
For all enquiries please contact our school office team

The Sauncey Wood Approach
Here at Sauncey Wood Primary School, we take the achievements of all pupils as being key to our continued success and therefore have developed guidance to support formative and summative assessment of pupils against expectations of what should be taught in English and Maths by the end of each key stage.
The assessment criteria ensures that teachers know what pupils must achieve by the end of each stage within their primary education in order to prepare them to be ready for secondary education when leaving Year 6. As a school, built around excellent teaching and reflective practices, we are aware of the need to provide genuine opportunities for greater school autonomy over the curriculum and assessment; assessment that will focus teaching on the core content rather than on a set of level descriptions.
To ensure that Sauncey Wood meets the needs of all pupils, we have developed an assessment framework that mirrors the National Curriculum that we teach by ensuring that teachers are provided with a framework that meets a set of core principles. The core principles aim to ensure the school can check what pupils have learned and whether they are on track to meet end of key stage expectations, which can then be relayed effectively to parents.
Therefore, every child in Sauncey Wood Primary school will be formally assessed on an ongoing basis using the whole school assessment framework approach to monitor and track children’s progress against national expectations (called Age Related Expectations), which is then reported termly to the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team, Governors and parents, as required.
We do not want to assess everything we teach, as this is being done continuously as part of good classroom teaching, through high quality Assessment for Learning - AfL. However, we have identified key programmes of study, which are significant for children to know and understand at the end of academic years in order for them to be able to move on to the following years programmes of study.
Additionally, pupils will sit a termly summative assessment to support and reinforce teacher assessment. Progress measure will begin from the starting point of our school. End of Reception class all pupils will be assessed against the EYFS framework, with pupils being given their first formal levelling. At the end of Year 1 pupils will all take the Phonics Screening check to asses their reading and phonological knowledge, this is a statutory assessment. At the end of Years 2 & 6 pupils will sit Statutory National Curriculum Tests (SATs); the results of which will be published to allow our school to celebrate the performance of our pupils’ against other schools nationally, locally and with a similar intake.
Our school has a curriculum and assessment framework that meets a set of core principles which:
Sets out clear guidance so that pupils reach or exceed the end of key stage expectations in the new national curriculum;
Enables them to measure whether pupils are on track to meet end of key stage expectations;
Enables them to pinpoint the aspects of the curriculum in which pupils are falling behind, and recognise exceptional performance;
Supports teaching planning for all pupils; and
Enables them to report regularly to parents and, where pupils move to other schools, providing clear information about each pupil’s strengths, weaknesses and progress towards the end of key stage expectations
Through rigorous and timely assessment of and feedback to our pupils, Sauncey Wood will ensure that all pupils achieve their maximum potential. The attainment of each pupil will be measured against end of year Age Related Expectations and reported as falling within one of four categories:
Working below the year group expectations
Pupils have achieved the majority of the end of year expectations (most children will achieve this standard).
Fully secure in almost all or all the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently.
We now want children who are in the secure bracket to add more depth and breadth to their knowledge, and to have more opportunities to develop their using and applying skills: they are calling this phase of learning Mastery and Depth. Similarly, children who are not on track to achieve the end of year expectations for their year group will be supported with interventions and help given to them to begin to work at the age related curriculum objectives.
So how will this look at the end of each Key Stage?
Key Stage 1
It is anticipated that the most of the children will reach the assessment point of Year 2 Secure (they have achieved most the year group objectives). Some children will be working at Year 2 Greater Depth (they have achieved virtually all the objectives); while a very small number will be assessed at the Year 2 Developing standard or below, (intensive support will be provided for children in this category to help them ‘catch up’).
Key Stage 2
Similar to Year 2, most children will leave Year 6 as secure (achieved most objectives), some children will be assessed as Year 6 Greater Depth (achieved virtually all objectives and able to use and apply these) while some children will be Year 6 developing (achieved a minority of objectives). There will also be some children who are still working at a lower level below the age expectations; they will receive intensive support to help access age related expectations.