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Beech’s Best Bits – Spring term in Year 2

We are looking forward to building on the children’s successes from last term and continuing to make great progress in our learning.


This term:

In English we will be building our narrative writing skills by exploring the Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark and we will be learning about free verse poetry.  We will then explore non-fiction writing about Habitats.

In Maths we will continue to build our fluency in number and will be learning about money, multiplication and division as well as exploring length, height, capacity and temperature.

In Science, we learn the differences between babies and toddlers and explore the basic needs of animals (including humans) in order to survive.  We will explore healthy living and the importance of exercise.

In History, we will learn about two important people from the past, Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

In Geography, we will be learning about Australia and exploring how it is similar and different to where we live.

In Computing, we will explore spreadsheets and how information can be presented using the computer.

In R.E., children will explore the themes of justice and fairness through Christianity and Judaism and later in the term, we will learn about the Easter story.

In Design Technology, we will be using textiles to design and make a pencil case.

In Art, we will link our learning about Australia by exploring Aboriginal art and looking at the patterns used to create stories through art.

In Music, we will be learning to play the Glockenspiel.

In Personal Development, we will explore what it means to set Dreams and Goals and learn about keeping healthy which will link to our Science learning too.

In P.E., we will continue to learn different ways to keep active through games and fitness activities.

What do I need at school?​

  • Water bottles – you child will need a water bottle every day

  • Reading books and reading logs -  to be brought in everyday

  • A pencil case with list of resources as shared at the Meet The Teacher meeting

  • Coats - we will be going outside in all weathers so please bring a coat every day

  • PE Kit – a fully named PE kit should be at school every week. (our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday).  Please remember that all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.

  • Home learning books to be sent in every Monday

  • A hat in hot weather

  • Old shirt or painting apron – for painting and craft

  • Library books – for Wednesday to swap

Meet the Year 2 Team

Mrs Clarke - Teachers

Ms Joyner - Teaching Assistant

Mr Holmes- PE

Meet the Teacher

Year 2 End of Year Expectations

Recommended Reads for Year 2

Art Knowledge Organiser

Geography Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

RE Knowledge Organiser

Home Learning

Times Tables Practice

Please don't forget to use TT Rockstars to practise your times tables. 

Log in details are your child's home learning book.

Use these other sites to practise too! 

Hit the button

Coconut Multiplies

Maths is fun

Useful Websites:​

School games.JPG
Curiosity approach.jpg
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