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Oak's Offerings-  Welcome to Year 6

This term, we will be:

Studying World War 2 across the curriculum, in History we will be studying the facts about the war, in English we will be analysing the effects of war using recounts, letters and poems to show our understanding.  Our Maths learning will include fractions, decimals, percentages and the children will also learn how to measure and convert units.  Our Science learning will be centred around classification, evolution and adaptation of living things.

In DT we will be researching then making our very own burgers.  Our RE topic will allow us to understand Buddhism and how it fits into the world of religion.

Meet the Teacher

Year 6 End of Year Expectations

Recommended Reads for Year 6

What do I need at school?​

  • Water bottles – you child will need a water bottle every day

  • A healthy snack for break times- no nuts- please refer to our Healthy Schools policy for guidance

  • Reading books and reading logs -  to be brought in everyday

  • A pencil case with list if resources as shared at meet the teacher

  • Coats - we will be going outside in all weathers so please bring a coat every day

  • PE Kit – a fully named PE kit should be at school every week.  Please remember that all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.

  • Home learning books to be sent in every Monday

  • A hat in hot weather

  • Old shirt or painting apron – for painting and craft

  • Library books 

Knowledge Organisers







Religions and World views


Home Learning

Times Tables Practice

Please don't forget to use TT Rockstars to practise your times tables. 

Log in details are your child's home learning book.

Use these other sites to practise too!

Coconut Multiplies

Camel Times Tables

Maths is fun

Useful Websites:​

School games.JPG
Curiosity approach.jpg
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