01582 621514
Pickford Hill, Harpenden, AL5 5HL
Sauncey Wood Primary School
'Growing Curious Minds'
For all enquiries please contact our school office team
Larch's Learnings- Welcome to Year 5
This term, we will be:
This summer sees us concentrating our Science learning on the great outdoors. Our focus skills are observation and research using secondary sources. We will describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals, including insects, amphibians, mammals and birds. We move on to study and compare the lifecycles of these animals. To finish we will describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
In English, we will begin the term by studying the shape of a written balanced argument. We will then carry out online research on children’s screen use and links to well-being. Children will take part in a class debate on the important issue before writing up a balanced discussion presenting two sides of the argument.
In our Maths this term we will begin with shape: reflection and translation, 3D shapes from 2D representations, irregular position and direction and angles. Later, we will return to number: further exploring decimals, then negative numbers, converting units of measurement and volume.
In Geography, we will begin with our topic about Mexico. We will study the physical and human geography of the country and compare living in Mexico with living in England.
In History this term, we will be studying the ‘The Maya’. We will use active learning and secondary sources to develop an understanding of life in Mexico at the time.
In Religions and World Views, we will continue to learn about both the Christian and Jewish faiths and consider how they take responsibility and care for the world.
Our P.E lessons will work on our athletics skills and games involving bats and balls.
During our French lessons, we will be learning to tell somebody the members, names and various ages of either our own or a fictional family in French.
In Music this term, we will continue our Charanga music lessons inspired by ‘Dancing in the Street’ and ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’.
During our Computing lessons, we begin by understanding the different ways to search a database then enter information into a class database. Children will then create their own databases on a chosen topic.
Artwork this term will include collage and traditional folk art designs inspired by our work on Mexico and the Maya.
During Design & Technology, we will research, design and make Day of the Dead soft sculptures.
In Personal Development, our Jigsaw topics this term will cover Relationships and Changes.
Year 5 End of Year Expectations
What do I need at school?
Water bottles – you child will need a water bottle every day
A healthy snack for break times- no nuts- please refer to our Healthy Schools policy for guidance
Reading books and reading logs - to be brought in everyday
A pencil case with list of resources as shared at meet the teacher
Coats - we will be going outside in all weathers so please bring a coat every day
PE Kit – a fully named PE kit should be at school every week. Please remember that all jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.
Home learning books to be sent in every Monday
A hat in hot weather
Old shirt or painting apron – for painting and craft
Library books
Knowledge Organisers
Times Tables Practice
Please don't forget to use TT Rockstars to practise your times
Log in details are in your child's home learning book.
Use these other sites to practise too!
Hit the button
Cross the Swamp
Useful Websites:
Nrich- https://nrich.maths.org/primary
The Imagination tree- www.theimaginationtree.com
DK find out- https://www.dkfindout.com/us
Nature detectives- https://naturedetectives.woodlandtrust.org.uk/naturedetectives/activities/
Phonics play- https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm
Maths zone- www.mathszone.co.uk