01582 621514
Pickford Hill, Harpenden, AL5 5HL
Sauncey Wood Primary School
'Growing Curious Minds'
For all enquiries please contact our school office team
Chestnut's Capers- Welcome to Year 1
We are delighted to welcome you back for the Summer Term
We hope you had a chance to enjoy the more sunny spring weather.
This half term, Year 1 will be:
turning into detectives to discover how the Fire of London started in History
finding out all about how plants grow and growing our own in Science
learning about fractions and early multiplication in Maths
researching arctic animals and publishing our own non-fiction books in English
exploring negative stencils in Art
Meet the Year 1 Team
Mrs Thompson - Teacher
Mrs Wheatley - PPA Teacher Friday Mornings
Mrs Jackson - Teaching Assistant
Ms Eliott - Teaching Assistant (Thursday)
Year 1 End of Year Expectations
What do I need at school?
Water bottles – you child will need a water bottle every day
Reading books - to be brought in everyday
Coats - we will be going outside in all weathers so please bring a coat every day
PE Kit – a fully named PE kit should be at school every week. (our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday). All jewellery must be removed for PE lessons.
Wellies and waterproof trousers – for outdoor forest school activities (these will be stored at school) Similar to reception, we will go outside in all weathers
Old shirt or painting apron – for painting and craft
Library books – for Thursday to swap
Knowledge Organisers
Show and Tell