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Friends of Sauncey Wood School


Registered Charity No. 290481


The Friends of Sauncey Wood aim to support the school in providing MUCH needed funding for furthering our children’s education.  A small but growing team, we run events and local community fundraisers that our children hugely enjoy and are beneficial financially to the school we support.


Some of us have specific roles and some just help out at events when we are needed. Even if you can only give an hour or two it all helps.  


Co-Chairs - Clare Barnes and Gemma Day

Treasurer - Andrew Pritchard

Secretary - Lindsey Malone


Class Reps 2023 - 2024

Yr R - Rebecca Boyle-Gow                          

Yr 1 - Barbara Paagman              

Yr 2 - Michelle Saas

Yr 3 - Jen Esberger

Yr 4 - Kylie Fury 

Yr 5 - Katie Clark

Yr 6 - Gemma Day 


We organise events to bring parents, children and the local community together and raise money. The money we raise means the school can pay for essential equipment (hugely important in an era of massive governmental budget cuts) and organise fun events for all to enjoy and participate in.

The following are just some of the items we have purchased for the school in recent years:-

  • Laptops and much needed computer equipment

  • Forest School fencing and equipment

  • An outdoor gym

  • Daily Mile track

  • School hall PA system and screen

  • School hall blinds

  • Scooter and cycle shelters 

  • Attendance awards

  • Each year we subsidise swimming lessons, Christmas Pantomime and the Year 6 Leavers Trip.



We encourage families to use The Giving Machine to do their internet shopping and raise money with no extra cost.


Use The Giving Machine as a 'springboard' to do your online shopping and the retailer donates a percentage of the cost of your shop - for FREE!

This has raised the school hundreds of pounds to date!


What is Classlist? is private online community for our school: a modern and safealternative to paper / Excel class lists and Facebook groups.

Why should I join Classlist?

Classlist is a new and secure way to communicate with other parents: it is accessible only by parents and carers at our school.Classlist keeps all your parent communication in one place, rather than in various emails, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups etc.Classlist provides a private group for each class, making it easy to communicate at a personal level. Only other parents in your class can see your messages and your contact details, if you choose to share them.Easy to create your own groups for anything that might be helpful from lift shares to Netball or Football matches, dog walking or babysitting.Post messages or questions all the parents/carers in the school.Keep up-to-date with fundraising events, add your comments and ideas or volunteer to help. Parents can even buy tickets through the site.  Classlist is Data Protection registered (Facebook is not). With new data protection laws coming into force on 23rd May, this will allow us to communicate as a community whilst keeping our personal data safe.  You choose what personal information you share.  You choose how you receive Classlist updates and how often.  Come in and join our new online community! You can sign up directly by clicking here.


Please check out our Facebook page for more information.

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