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School governors offer their time on a voluntary basis and the board is made up of parents, teachers and members of the local community and local authority. We use our skills and interests to support and work with the Headteacher in managing the school. The governors monitor and evaluate the school's progress by regularly reviewing what is happening in the school - from pupil progress, to absences, facilities, finance and health and safety. You may like to join our governors for an informal chat during the annual Governor Day, usually held in September.

Parents are welcome to contact the Co-Chair of Governors by e-mail ( or or by telephoning the School Office. However, it should be noted that governors do not get involved in individual pupil issues or specific complaints about, for example, teaching or playground matters. Parents and carers should speak to the class teacher in the first instance or to the Headteacher. If a matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, then governors may become involved via the school’s formal Complaints Procedure, but this would always be a last resort.


The Governing Board’s main roles are to:

· Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school

· Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance of school staff

· Oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

· Ensure that the voices of all school stakeholders are heard.

Governors also act as a ‘Critical Friend’ to the school, working in partnership with the Head, Senior Leadership Team and other school stakeholders to help provide the best possible education for pupils, including those with special educational needs.


To be effective, governors need to understand how the school works and how regulation and policy impact the school and the educational progress being made by pupils. In particular, governors are expected to:

· Attend the formal Full Governing Board meetings (minimum of 3 per year) and strategy days (1-2 per days per year).

· Be a member of either the Resources Committee or the School Improvement Committee (usually 1 meeting each per term).

· Undertake a range of training courses relevant to their role in the Governing Board.

· Become a governor link for a particular area of school activity such as pupil educational data, curriculum implementation, finance, well-being, health and safety and safeguarding.

Governors (other than associate governors) have equal rights to participate in the work of the Governing Board and to state their own views, but always work as a team and are bound by the collective decisions of that team.

Minutes of meetings (other than for confidential matters discussed) are available from the school office on request.



Governors are volunteers nominated and appointed for four-year terms by the school staff, parents, Local Authority or the Governing Board. The constitution of the Sauncey Wood Governing Board includes 14 formal roles:-

Five Parent Governors - elected by and from the parents.

· Two Staff Governors - the Headteacher and a Governor elected by the staff.

· Five Co-opted Governors - appointed by the Governing Body. These are people from the local community who have specialist skills e.g. finance, marketing, HR, management.

· One Local Authority (LA) Governor - nominated by the LA and appointed by the Governing Body.

· One Associate Member who attends Full Governing Body meetings, the School Improvement Committee and / or the Resources Committee. The Associate Member has no voting rights on any committee.


Michelle Saas – Parent Governor and Co-Chair

Date of Appointment: 10th May 2023

Appointed By: Parents

Declaration of Interests: None

Michelle became a Parent Governor so that she could help the school maintain the ethos and values

that have served her own children so well.  Michelle currently works as a software solution architect, 

with prior experience in project management and business analysis. She hopes that she can use the

range of skills she has developed over the years, to help support and govern Sauncey Wood.

Susan Dean – Co-opted Governor

Susan is a practising artist with a background in art education. As a visiting artist in schools, she

continues her interests in children’s art practice and is keen to support the creative activities that take

place at Sauncey Wood.  Susan has grandchildren at Sauncey Wood who are benefiting from the broad

and stimulating curriculum offered at the school. She is keen to support the mission, vision and values

that underpin all aspects of school life at Sauncey Wood.

Date of Appointment: 21st January 2019

Appointed By: The Governing Board

Declaration of Interests: None

Dan Dures – Parent Governor and Committee Chair

Dan has been a Sauncey Wood parent for over five years now, and would like to be able

to offer something back to the school which has given so much to his kids. He is a

passionate believer in education, loves the values our school aims to instil in our children,

and would be proud to be a little part on helping to build on that. Professionally, Dan has

been in major companies for two decades, specialising in data analysis, strategy and

commercial insight.

Date of Appointment: 14th October 2019

Appointed By: Parents

Declaration of Interests: None

Rebecca Crawford – Parent Governor

Rebecca was so impressed with the amazing learning environment that has been created at Sauncey

Wood that she wanted to be part of the Governing team to ensure that the environment, caring attitude

and the broad curriculum remains exciting and accessible to all.  Rebecca comes from a construction

background having been responsible for, amongst other things, the management of the EFA Framework

in the South East and London.  Rebecca enjoyed liaising with the multiple stakeholders involved in

designing and building new schools and will bring these skill sets to the role of Parent Governor.

Date of Appointment: 10th May 2023

Appointed By: Parents

Declaration of Interests: None

Jamie Brewis - Headteacher

Jamie joined the school in September 2024 as the Headteacher.

Date of Appointment: 1st September 2024

Appointed By: virtue of office

Declaration of interests: None

Margaret Stocks - Co-opted Governor:                                                                                        

Date of Appointment: 21st July 2023      

Appointed By: The Governing Board

Declaration of Interests: None


Sam Smith – Parent Governor:

Date of Appointment: 10th May 2023

Appointed By: Parents

Declaration of Interests: None

Sam has been a parent at Sauncey Wood for a number of years and has been impressed with the schools

caring and supportive learning environment and feels strongly about giving something back to the school.
Professionally Sam works as a strategic maintenance planner for one of the leading travel companies, this

can be a high pressured role that requires critical thinking and problem solving with a direct and balanced

approach to tasks.

Emma Day - Parent Governor:

Date of Appointment: 

Appointed By: Parents

Declaration of Interests: None

Emma became a new parent to the school in September 2023.  Impressed by the warm inclusive

community of this school and the excellent educational foundation the school provides, Emma decided to

seek appointment as a Parent Governor to help uphold these high standards.  Emma works in Project

Management currently with a tech start-up and previously worked with Apple in the UK, Dubai and California. 

Her experience will help her in her role as Parent Governor to work alongside other stakeholders in upholding

the values of the school and ensuring the quality of delivery is maintained at all times.


Senior Governance Roles

Committee Membership

Governor Links










FGB - Tuesday 28th November – Tuesday 19th March - Monday 8th July (All meetings in School 7-9pm)

RC - Friday 17th November – Friday 8th March - Friday 12th July (Times and locations TBA)

SIC - Monday 20th November – Monday 11th March - Tuesday 2nd July (Times and locations TBA)


Head Teachers pay and performance - Colin Noakes - Co Chair - DSEA

Staff pay and performance committee - Colin Noakes - Co Chair - Dan Dures

Parents Complaints Panel - Colin Noakes - Margaret Stocks - TBC

Pupil Exclusions Panel - Colin Noakes - Margaret Stocks - TBC

Staff Disciplinary Panel - Colin Noakes - Margaret Stocks - TBC

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