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01582 621514
Pickford Hill, Harpenden, AL5 5HL
Sauncey Wood Primary School
'Growing Curious Minds'
For all enquiries please contact our school office team

Please click here to be taken to Beats our uniform supplier. Our local Beats store is in Harpenden town. Uniform with school logos can only be purchased from Beats. Please remember to label everything to avoid clothes going missing. We ask that each child has at least 1 school jumper or cardigan for trips and photos, and a PE T.shirt with the school logo. The rest of the uniform can be purchased without the school logo form any high street store and also from our own second hand uniform stock.
Every child must wear:
A Sauncey Wood sweatshirt/cardigan (with school logo)
White polo shirt (can be plain- without logo)
Black or grey trousers, shorts skirt/pinafore (or a green and white checked summer dress)
Black or grey or white socks or tights
Black school style shoes- plain flat- no open toes, no trainers, below the knee boots may be worn in winter months.
School bag- not too big please!
PE kit consisting of:
White Sauncey Wood T-shirt (with school logo)
Plain black shorts
Trainers for outside use
Dark grey or black tracksuit for colder days
Children may also wear a Sauncey Wood school fleece that can be purchased from Beats.
At Sauncey Wood, please support us by following the below expectations:
- jewellery, other than watches or gold/silver small stud earrings. Studs must be removed or taped up (with tape provided by parents) for PE.
- no nail varnish or make-up.
- Long hair must be tied back – this will lower the chance of transferring those little devils called nits! Please help us to keep instances of head lice to a minimum by keeping your child’s hair tied back. It is also important to keep it tied back for P.E for all children due to health and safety..
- No elaborate hair accessories for example JoJo bows.
- Year 6 will only wear their leavers hoodies as an extra jumper to and from school. They must still follow all uniform guidance as above - including school trousers and shoes.
If these expectations are not followed- parents and carers will be contacted.
If you need support in purchasing uniform, please speak to the school office. The school has lots of second hand uniform that is available to purchase too so please just ask to view.

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